TIBCRestoreOption Enumeration

Specifies the data restore parameters.




TIBCRestoreOption = (roDeactivateIndexes, roNoShadow, roNoValidityCheck, roOneRelationAtATime, roReplace, roCreateNewDB, roUseAllSpace, roValidationCheck);


Value Meaning
roCreateNewDB Restore but do not overwrite an existing database (restores the database from the backup copy into a new file).
roDeactivateIndexes Do not build indexes during restore. InterBase rebiulds indexes while restoring a database in the normal mode of operation. If there are duplicates of the records that are unique in the database, the restore process will be terminated. Duplicate records can be added to the database if the unique index is temporary turned off.
roNoShadow Do not recreate shadow files during restore. In the normal mode of operation InterBase recreates shadow files during restore. By setting this value such option will be blocked.
roNoValidityCheck Do not enforce validity conditions (for example, NOT NULL) during restore. This value should be used when restoring a database that includes records in a wrong format. If you set this value, the correspondence of data to the existing limitations would not be checked.
roOneRelationAtATime Commit after completing a restore of each table.
roReplace Replace database if one exists. If you do not use this value, the operation will be canceled when you try to restore the database.
roUseAllSpace Do not reserve 20% of each datapage for future record versions; useful for read-only databases.
roValidationCheck Perform validation check before restoring a database.

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