Visual Studio Add-in Peculiarities

The 2.80 and later versions of Entity Developer maintain full integration with Visual Studio. You can use Entity Developer as a Visual Studio add-in or as a stand-alone application. Both ways provide similar functionality; however, there are certain differences, as described in the table below:







Stand-alone application

Visual Studio add-in


User interface elements

See the User Interface Reference section.

To manage Entity Developer windows, use the View -> Entity Developer menu. With this menu, you can hide and display Entity Developer tool windows. These windows and certain other functional capabilities are also available from the Tools -> Entity Developer menu.


To work with Entity Developer models, you can use its toolbars, displayed automatically when you open a model. If you want to get access to them manually - right-click the Visual Studio toolbar and select the Enity Developer Diagram, Entity Developer Model and Entity Developer Query items.


Creating a new model

To start Create Model Wizard, use the New Model item. It is located on the File menu.

To start Create Model Wizard, add a Devart Entity Framework model, Linq to SQL model, NHibernate model, Telerik Data Access model, or a Devart LinqConnect model to your project by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer, selecting Add -> New Item from the popup menu, and selecting the corresponding template in the Add New Item dialog.


Code generating

Use the Generate Code command from the Model menu for code generating. The connection string is stored in the code.

Save the model to generate code and the generated classes will be included into the solution. Note that if you edit *.edps file manually, you should select Run Custom Tool in the shortcut menu of the model itself to apply changes.


Code generation output

You can select a folder on a disk, into which generated code can be saved. For more information, see Defining Generation Paths in Templates

You can select a project and a project folder, into which generated code can be saved. For more information, see Defining Generation Paths in Templates




Executing Queries against models

You need to configure Entity Developer for LINQ query execution against Telerik Data Access, Entity Framework Core and NHibernate models as described in the Configuring Entity Developer for Executing Queries topic.

No additional actions needed if Telerik Data Access NuGet package is already added to your project, you can immediately start creating and executing queries. The NuGet package can be added automatically when using Entity Developer's Create Model Wizard. For Entity Framework Core, no additional actions are required if you target Full .NET Framework. If you target .NET Core or .NET Standard, see Configuring Entity Developer for Executing Queries.


Target Framework version

For Entity Framework or Entity Framework Core, you select the target .NET Framework version in the Model properties - either in the Create Model Wizard or when customizing model properties.

Target Framework is automatically determined based on the Visual Studio project settings.


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