Stored Procedure with Multiple Resultsets

This example shows how to use a stored procedure that executes inside itself a parameterized SELECT query to tables and returns table records that satisfy the query condition as the list of corresponding complex type objects.

The script for creating a stored procedure and a table for the SQL Server DBMS is as follows:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Department (
  DeptNo int NOT NULL,
  DName varchar(14),
  Loc varchar(13),
CREATE TABLE dbo.Employee (
  LastName nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
  FirstName nvarchar(10) NOT NULL,
  Address nvarchar(60),
  City nvarchar(15),
  Country nvarchar(15),
  DeptNO int NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (DeptNO) REFERENCES dbo.Department(DeptNO)
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SelectDeptsAndEmps
FROM dbo.Department;
FROM dbo.Employee;

First, we create a model and drag the required stored procedure from the Database Explorer window to the design area; in the displayed message box we click Yes to obtain metadata of procedure resultsets.

As a result we get 2 complex types with default names SelectDeptsAndEmpResult and SelectDeptsAndEmpResult1 and a method corresponding to the stored procedure. For convenience, we rename the complex types to DeptsResult and EmpsResult and get the following method:


As a result of code generation for the model, the corresponding method of the model context will be generated having a signature close to the relevant stored procedure:


        public SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult SelectDeptsAndEmp ()
            SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult result = new SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult();
            OAConnection connection = this.Connection;
            bool needClose = false;
            if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                needClose = true;
                using (OACommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.CommandText = @"dbo.SelectDeptsAndEmps";
                    using (OADataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                if (needClose)
            return result;
    public class SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult
        public SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult()
          SelectDeptsAndEmpResults = new List<SelectDeptsAndEmpResult>();
          SelectDeptsAndEmpResult1s = new List<SelectDeptsAndEmpResult1>();
        public List<SelectDeptsAndEmpResult> SelectDeptsAndEmpResults { get; private set; }
        public List<SelectDeptsAndEmpResult1> SelectDeptsAndEmpResult1s { get; private set; }

If we need to retrieve the whole tables, we do the following: we drag the required stored procedure from the Database Explorer window to the design area; in the displayed message box we click No not to obtain metadata of procedure result set; then we drag the required tables from the Database Explorer window to the design area.

Then we double-click the method and in the Value Types drop-down list select the Department and Employee tables:


As a result of code generation for the model, the corresponding method of the model context will be generated having a signature close to the relevant stored procedure:


        public SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult SelectDeptsAndEmp ()
            SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult result = new SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult();
            OAConnection connection = this.Connection;
            bool needClose = false;
            if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                needClose = true;
                using (OACommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.CommandText = @"dbo.SelectDeptsAndEmps";
                    using (OADataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                if (needClose)
            return result;
    public class SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult
        public SelectDeptsAndEmpMultipleResult()
          Departments = new List<Department>();
          Employees = new List<Employee>();
        public List<Department> Departments { get; private set; }
        public List<Employee> Employees { get; private set; }

Complex types and tables can be combined in one method.


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