Setup Naming Rules under Database-First Approach

This page allows you to set name generation parameters for classes, methods and class properties.


Changes the case of the letters in the name. Can take the following values:


Does not change the case.


The first letter of the entity name and the first letter after each underscore in the table name will be uppercase, other letters will be lowercase.


The name of an entity begins with a capital letter, case of other letters will not be changed.


All letters in the name of an entity are converted to lower case.


All letters in the name of an entity are converted to upper case.

Remove Prefix(es)

If name of an entity (or its member) starts with the specified string, this string is removed from the name of a table (or its column).

Remove Suffix(es)

If name of an entity (or its member) ends with the specified string, this string is removed from the name of a table (or its column).

Add Prefix

Adds specified string as a prefix to the generated name.

Add Suffix

Adds specified string as a suffix to the generated name.



Does not change the number.


Singularizes entity or entity member names.


Pluralizes entity or entity member names.

Remove underscore

Select this check box to remove underscores from the names of the generated classes.

Remove invalid characters

Select this check box to remove characters, that cannot be used in class and member names, from the names of tables, views, columns and stored procedures when generating names for the corresponding model objects. If this check box is not selected, these characters are replaced with underscores.

EntitySet Pluralization

This option can be used for Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL and LinqConnect ORMs, as their classes have the EntitySet property. It defines the property name generated in the context class. This name is automatically built upon the class name, in case it is not set manually. This option defines the way of composing this name. By default the name is pluralized.


Does not change the number.


Singularizes classes' name.


Pluralizes classes' name.

Pluralize collection navigation properties

Provides the possibility to turn on and off the pluralization of the many-end names of associations.

Add schema as prefix

Select this check box to add schema name as a prefix to the entity names.

The Example area fields show the current and expected name in the corresponding Original and Becomes fields.


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