Use this template to generate Repositories and Unit of Work for Entity Framework model. This template is available both in C# and Visual Basic.
Repository and Unit of Work template has the following properties:
Description of the template.
Indicates whether the template is enabled. Acceptable values are True or False.
File Name
The name of the template file.
The name of the template.
The type of the template.
Data Access Layer Namespace
Specifies the namespace for the generated data access layer classes for Entity Framework model.
Generate Memory Repository
If the value is set to True, the MemoryRepository class code will be generated. Acceptable values are True or False.
Generic Repository Pattern
Defines whether to generate the implementation of the generic repository pattern and IRepository<T> and whether the IRepository<T> interface will contain the method returning IQueryable<T>. No separate interface and repository class will be generated for entities. Acceptable values are True or False.
Header Timestamp Version Control Tag
Setting this option will replace the standard date/time stamp in the file header with the specified tag (e.g. a version control tag for Subversion, Git, etc.)
Interface Layer Namespace
Specifies the namespace for the generated interface layer classes.
Use Db Context
If set to True, the template is used for strongly-typed DbContext class, otherwise (and by default) it is used for strongly-typed ObjectContext class. Acceptable values are True or False.
Data Access Layer Output
Specifies the output for the generated data access layer classes for Entity Framework model.
(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.
Project Folder
(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the directory in the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.
Destination Folder
(This property is available in the standalone application only) The directory to contain the generation results.
Generate Partial
If the value is set to True, then for each repository interface and class, in case of non-generic repository pattern implementation generation, a partial interface and class will be generated, in which the user can add code that is not overwritten by the designer. Acceptable values are True or False.
Interface Layer Output
Specifies the output for the generated interface layer classes.
(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.
Project Folder
(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the directory in the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.
Destination Folder
(This property is available in the standalone application only) The directory to contain the generation results.