This dialog box allows you to create and edit properties.
To call Property Editor, use one of the following options:
• | In the Model Explorer window or in the diagram right-click the required class or complex type to call its context menu, and in the Add submenu select New Property. |
• | In the Model Explorer window or in the diagram select the required class or complex type and press ALT+P. |
• | In the Model Explorer window or in the diagram right-click an existing property and in its context menu select Edit. |
The following options are available:
Name - set the property name here.
Type - set the property type.
Access - select a type of access. Can accept the following values: Property, Default, Field, Nosetter.
Primary Key - specifies that this property is a primary key.
Version - specifies that this property holds the row version.
Nullable - specifies whether this property value is nullable.
Column - specifies the name of the mapped database table column.
Formula - specifies an SQL expression that defines the value for a computed property.
Unsaved value - this property is available only for Primary Key properties or for properties with Version=True.
It is a property value which indicates that an instance is newly instantiated (unsaved), distinguishing it from detached instances that were saved or loaded in a previous session.
The allowed values of unsaved value are:
• | any - always save. |
• | none - always update. |
• | null - save when identifier is null. |
• | valid identifier value - save when identifier is null or equals the user-defined value. |
• | undefined - if set for version or timestamp, then identifier check is used. |
Generator - specifies the strategy to be used when generating unique IDs for each row. Can accept the following values: assigned (the generator set for the whole model), foreign, guid, guid.comb, guid.native, hilo, identity, increment, native, select, seqhilo, sequence, sequence-identity, uuid.hex, uuid.string and custom.
Generated - (available for non-key properties) specifies whether this property value as actually generated by the database. Can accept the following values: Never, Insert, or Always.
Insert - (available for non-key properties) specifies that the mapped columns should be included into an SQL INSERT statement. Can accept the following values: True or False.
Update - (available for non-key properties) specifies that the mapped columns should be included into an SQL UPDATE statement. Can accept the following values: True or False.
Optimistic lock - (available for non-key properties) specifies whether updates to this property require acquisition of the optimistic lock. Can accept the following values: True or False.