NHibernate Template

NHibernate template is the default entity and mapping generation template, available both in C# and Visual Basic, that generates classes for entities and complex types, enumerated types for enums, and it also generates XML mapping for them. XML mapping generation can be disabled.

NHibernate template has the following properties:



Description of the template.


Indicates whether the template is enabled. Acceptable values are True or False.

File Name

The name of the template file.


The name of the template.


The type of the template.


Generate Data Contracts

Determines whether the DataContract/DataMember attributes used for serialization of entities should be generated. Acceptable values are True or False.

Generate Dummy Comments

Determines whether dummy XML comments will be generated for classes and their members. Acceptable values are True or False.

Generate Serializable Attributes

Determines whether the Serializable attribute used for serialization of classes should be generated. Acceptable values are True or False.

Header Timestamp Version Control Tag

Setting this option will replace the standard date/time stamp in the file header with the specified tag (e.g. a version control tag for Subversion, Git, etc.)

Implement Clonable

Defines whether each entity class will implement the IClonable interface. Acceptable values are True or False.

Implement Equals

Defines whether each entity class will implement its own Equals and GetHashCode methods. Acceptable values are True or False.

Implement Validatable

Defines whether each entity class will implement the IValidatable interface. Acceptable values are True or False.

NHibernate V3 Compatible

Determines the types used for collection properties of the Set type. If it is set to True, the Iesi.Collections.dll types are used for collection properties of the Set type. This requires NHibernate version 3. Otherwise, the .NET Framework System.dll types are used for collection properties of the Set type - this requires Nhibernate of version 4 and higher.

Nullable Reference Types

Specifies when C# 8 nullable reference types and non-nullable reference types must be generated. If it is set to Enable, then nullable annotation context will be enabled. If it is set to Disable, then #'#nullable disable' directives will be generated. If it is set to Default, then pre-C# 8.0 classic behavior will be used.

Primitive Default Value Generation

Determines whether Entity Developer should generate initialization for a primitive property based on the database DEFAULT column value.

Property Change Notifiers

Defines whether each model class will implement the INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces. Acceptable values are True or False.

Property Change Partial Methods

Set this property to True to generate the extensibility partial void On<property name>Changing and partial void On<property name>Changed methods. These methods handle changes of each object property. Acceptable values are True or False.


Entities Output

Allows specifying the output folder for the generated entity classes. The value of this property is taken into account during generation only if the File Per Class property is set to True.


(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.

Project Folder

(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the directory in the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.

Destination Folder

(This property is available in the standalone application only) The directory to contain the generation results.

File Per Class

Defines whether each model class will be placed into a separate file when generating code. Acceptable values are True or False.

Generate Partial Class

Defines whether for each class of the model a partial class will be generated, in which it will be possible to add code that won't be overwritten by the designer.

Model Name As Files Prefix

Defines whether to add the model name to the generated file names as a prefix.


Validation Error Messages

Specifies error messages to associate with a validation control if validation fails. If you do not want to use hardcoded error messages (e.g. for the sake of internationalization), you can use error messages stored in the application resources. For this, specify the name of the resource type for error messages in the following format: ResourceType=<type name>. Additionally, the resource name for your error message for the corresponding validator must be equal to the name of a property from the ValidationErrorMessages property.

Email Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if email validation fails.

Expression Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if regular expression validation fails.

IPAddress Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if IPAddress validation fails.

Length Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if length validation fails.

Numeric Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if numeric validation fails.

Range Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if range validation fails.

Required Message

Specifies the error message to associate with a validation control if required validation fails.

Validation Framework

Defines the set of attribute types and its source to be used for validating the property values of generated classes. Acceptable values are EnterpriseLibrary, NHibernateValidator, DataAnnotations, None.

Xml Mapping

Xml Mapping Action

Defines whether mapping will be copied to the folder specified in the Xml Mapping Output parameter, or to the folder storing the model file in case Xml Mapping Output parameter value is not specified, or it will be added to the project as an embedded resource. Acceptable values are CopyToOutputDirectory or DoNotGenerateMappingFiles.

Xml Mapping File Per Class

Defines whether to generate separate mapping files per class (if set to True) or one mapping file (if set to False). Acceptable values are True or False.

Xml Mapping Output

Allows specifying the output folder for the generated mapping.


(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.

Project Folder

(This property is available in the Visual Studio add-in only) The name of the directory in the Visual Studio project where the generation result will be located.

Destination Folder

(This property is available in the standalone application only) The directory to contain the generation results.


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