Model Properties

This topic provides information on the properties of the model that are displayed in the Properties window. They are displayed there when you select the model (root) node in the Model Explorer or when you click empty place on the diagram sheet.

Code Generation


Specifies attributes of the object.


Specifies the visibility level of the class. Acceptable values are Public or Internal.


Specifies the connection string to connect to the database.


Default Access

Specifies the default strategy that is used to access a property value. Acceptable values are Property, Field, Nosetter and None.

Default Assembly

Specifies the default assembly to assume for unqualified class names.

Default Cascade

Specifies which operations should be cascaded from parent objects to associated objects by default. Acceptable values are None and SaveUpdate.

Default Collection Generic

Defines the default value of the generic property used for the Many end of associations. Acceptable values are True and False.

Default Collection Type

Default collection type used for the Many end of associations. Acceptable values are Set and Bag.

Default Enum Storage Mode

Determines how properties of enum types will be stored in the database by default. Acceptable values are Integer (default) and String.

Default Identity Generator

Specifies the identity generation method to be used for identity properties that do not specify their own generator. Acceptable values are: assigned (the generator set for the whole model), foreign, guid, guid.comb, guid.native, hilo, identity, increment, native, select, seqhilo, sequence, sequence-identity, uuid.hex, uuid.string and custom.

Default Lazy

Enables or disables lazy fetching. Acceptable values are True and False.

Default Length

Default length used for database columns.

Default Namespace

Specifies the default namespace to assume for unqualified class names.

Default Precision

Defines the default maximum number of digits for database columns.

Default Scale

Defines the default number of digits to the right of the decimal point for database columns.

Default Schema

Specifies the default schema for database tables.

Default Unicode

Specifies whether to use the Unicode encoding for database columns by default. Acceptable values are True and False.

Extended Properties

Entity Base

Base class or interface for the entity classes.



Specifies whether unqualified class names can be used in the query language. Acceptable values are True and False.


This parameter allows calling the Filters Editor dialog box that enables creating and editing filters, then they can be attached to the appropriate mapping elements, for details see Filtering Data.


Name of the model.

Type Defs

This parameter allows calling the TypeDefs Editor dialog box that enables creating and editing TypeDefs.


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