| Name | Description |
 | Authentication | Gets or sets the type of authentication to be used. |
 | CaptureMode | Determines if dynamically executed statements are captured for client optimization using pureQuery. |
 | ClientAccountingString | Gets or sets the client accounting string. |
 | ClientApplicationName | Gets or sets the client application name. |
 | ClientEncAlg | Determines whether AES encryption is being used. |
 | ClientUserID | Gets or sets the client user ID string. |
 | ClientWorkstationName | Gets or sets the name of the client workstation. |
 | CLISchema | Gets or sets the value indicating the schema to be used. When this keyword is set, the system catalog tables will not be queried to generate the result sets. The static tables created using the db2ocat tool will be queried instead. |
 | CodePage | Gets or sets the current Encoding's code page identifier. |
 | Collection | Gets or sets the collection name, where collection name is the qualifier of the package name (collection.rootPkgName), to be used by pureQuery when executionMode is set to static. |
 | ConcurrentAccessResolution | Specifies the concurrent access resolution to use. |
 | ConnectionLifetime | Gets or sets time span in seconds for connection to live. |
 | ConnectionString | (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | ConnectNodeNumber | Specifies the database partition server to connect to. |
 | ConnectTimeout | Gets or sets the time the application should wait for a connection. |
 | ConnStrPwdEncrypt | Determines whether the password specified in the connection string is stored encrypted in memory. |
 | ConvertToLong | Determines whether varchar inputs should be reported as long varchar. |
 | Count | (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | CurrentPackageSet | Gets or sets the schema name for selecting the package to use for subsequent SQL statements. |
 | CurrentSchema | Gets or sets the current schema name that is used for all unqualified SQL objects accessed via the connection |
 | Database | Gets or sets the name of the database to connect to. |
 | DB2Explain | Determines whether the server will generate Explain snapshot and/or Explain table information. |
 | DBName | Gets or sets the database name. |
 | DefaultCommandTimeout | Gets or sets the time in seconds to wait while trying to execute a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
 | DelimIdent | Specifies whether any string within double quotes (") is treated as an identifier, and any string within single quotes (') is treated as a string literal. |
 | DisableCursorHold | Determines the effect of a transaction completion on open cursors. |
 | Enlist | Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the connection is automatically enlisted in the current transaction context. |
 | EnsureDefaultDFRM | Specifies whether the DB2Connection.Open method will attempt to explicitly set the rounding mode to ROUND_HALF_EVEN. |
 | ExecutionMode | Determines whether previously captured statements should be executed statically for client optimization using pureQuery. |
 | FitHighPrecisionType | Gets or sets the type of precision to use. |
 | Graphic | Specifies if GRAPHIC (double-byte character) is returned as a supported SQL data type and what unit is used to report GRAPHIC column length. |
 | HostVarParameters | Determines whether the support for host variables is enabled. |
 | InitializationCommand | Specifies a data source-specific command that should be executed immediately after establishing the connection. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Instance | Gets or sets the instance name for a local IPC connection. |
 | Interrupt | Gets or sets the interrupt processing mode. |
 | IsFixedSize | Overridden. Returns true. |
 | IsolationLevel | Gets or sets the isolation level for the connection. |
 | IsReadOnly | (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Item | Overridden. Returns the value of given key. |
 | Keys | Overridden. Collection of keys in the DB2ConnectionStringBuilder. |
 | MapDate | Defines whether the DATE types should be reported as a different data type. |
 | MapTime | Defines whether the TIME types should be reported as a different data type. |
 | MapTimestamp | Defines whether the TIMESTAMP types should be reported as a different data type. |
 | MaxPoolSize | The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. |
 | MinPoolSize | The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool. |
 | Password | Gets or sets the user's password to connect. |
 | PersistSecurityInfo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether password is stored in connection string after connection is opened. |
 | Pooling | Gets or sets pooling mode. |
 | ProgramId | Sets a user-defined character string, that associates an application with a connection. |
 | ProgramName | Sets the application name, which is used to identify the application at the server when monitoring. |
 | PureQueryXML | Gets or sets the file name and path of the capture file. |
 | RetrieveXmlInBinaryFormat | Determines whether the XML data should be retrieved in a binary format. |
 | RetryParameterBindingOnError | Indicates whether the provider will re-execute failed statements. |
 | RootPkgName | Gets or sets the package identifier for the package name (collection.rootPkgName) to be used by pureQuery when ExecutionMode is set to static. |
 | RunOnceCommand | Specifies a data source-specific command that should be executed immediately after first establishing the connection. Unlike InitializationCommand, this command is not executed when a connection is taken from the pool. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | SchemaList | Gets or sets the list of schemas to use. |
 | Security | Gets or sets the security type being used. |
 | Server | Gets or sets the host and port to connect to. For example, "db2server:5000". Port may be omitted. |
 | ServerType | This property applies to UniData® and UniVerse data servers only. Indicates whether the connection is to be made to UniData or UniVerse. |
 | SessionTimeZone | Gets or sets the time zone at session level on the server. |
 | SSLClientKeystash | Gets or sets the name of the SSL stash (.sth) file used for an SSL connection. |
 | SSLClientKeystoredb | Gets or sets the name of the SSL key database file used for an SSL connection. |
 | StatementConcentrator | Determines whether statement concentrator literals are enabled. |
 | StaticLatch | Determines whether to enable static blocking. |
 | SysSchema | Gets or sets an alternative schema to be searched. |
 | TableType | Gets or sets the list of table types, which must be available via the connection. |
 | TargetPrincipal | Gets or sets the fully qualified Kerberos principal name of the DB2® instance owner for a target server. |
 | TraceFile | Gets or sets the name of a file to which all the connection trace information is written. |
 | TransactionScopeLocal | Enables support for non-distributed transactions in the TransactionScope implementation. |
 | TrustedContextSystemPassword | Gets or sets the password for the SYSTEM AUTHID of the trusted context. |
 | TrustedContextSystemUserID | Gets or sets the trusted context SYSTEM AUTHID for the connection. |
 | UserID | Gets or sets the name of the user to connect. |
 | ValidateConnection | Indicates whether to validate connections that are being taken from the pool. |
 | Values | Overridden. Collection of values in the DB2ConnectionStringBuilder. |
 | WalletID | Gets or sets the encryption key wallet ID for U2 Data Server. |
 | WalletPwd | Gets or sets the encryption key wallet password for U2 Data Server. |