TCustomMSDataSet.Options Property

Used to specify the behaviour of a TCustomMSDataSet object.




property Options: TMSDataSetOptions;


Set the properties of Options to specify the behaviour of a TMSDataSet object.

Descriptions of all options are in the table below.

Option Name Description
AllFieldsEditable Not supported.
AutoPrepare Used to execute automatic TCustomDADataSet.Prepare on a query execution.
AutoRefresh Used to enable automatic refresh of a dataset every AutoRefreshInterval seconds.
AutoRefreshInterval Used to define in what time interval in seconds the Refresh or RefreshQuick method of DataSet is called.
CheckRowVersion Used to determine whether dataset checks for rows modifications made by another user on automatic generation of SQL statement for update or delete data.
CursorUpdate Used to specify the way data updates reflect on database when modifying dataset by using server cursors ctKeySet and ctDynamic.
DefaultValues Used to enable TCustomMSDataSet to fill the DefaultExpression property of TField objects by an appropriate value.
DescribeParams Used to specify whether to query TMSParam properties from the server when executing the TCustomDADataSet.Prepare method.
DisableMultipleResults Used to forbid multiple results usage by a command.
DMLRefresh Used to refresh a record when insertion or update is performed.
EnableBCD Used to specify whether to treat numeric fields as floating-point or BCD.
FullRefresh Used to specify the fields to include in the automatically generated SQL statement when calling the TCustomDADataSet.RefreshRecord method.
HideSystemUniqueFields Used to hide system fields for the prSQL, prNativeClient and prMSOLEDB providers. The default value is True.
LastIdentityValueFunction Determines which system function to use to obtain an identifier when adding a record. The default value is vfScopeIdentity.
LongStrings Represents string fields with the length that is greater than 255 as TStringField.
NonBlocking Used to fetch rows in a separate thread.
NumberRange Used to set the MaxValue and MinValue properties of TIntegerField and TFloatField to appropriate values.
PrepareUpdateSQL Used to automatically prepare update queries before execution.
QueryIdentity Used to specify whether to request the Identity field value on execution of the Insert or Append method.
QueryRecCount Used to perform additional query to get record count for this SELECT, so the RecordCount property reflects the actual number of records.
QuoteNames Used for TCustomMSDataSet to quote all field names in autogenerated SQL statements.
ReflectChangeNotify Indicates whether DataSet will be automatically refreshed when the underlying data on the server is changed.
RemoveOnRefresh Used for dataset to locally remove record on refresh if it does not match filter condition (WHERE clause for refresh SQL) anymore.
RequiredFields Used for TCustomMSDataSet to set the Required property of TField objects for the NOT NULL fields.
ReturnParams Used to return the new values of fields to dataset after insert or update.
SetEmptyStrToNull Force replace of empty strings with NULL values in data. Default value is False.
StrictUpdate Used for TCustomDADataSet to raise an exception when the number of updated or deleted records is not equal 1.
TrimFixedChar Used to specify whether to discard all trailing spaces in the fixed-length string fields of a dataset.
TrimVarChar Used to specify whether to discard all trailing spaces in the variable-length string fields of a dataset.
UniqueRecords Used to specify whether to query additional keyfields from the server.
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