Used to specify the connection information, such as: UserName, Password, Server, etc.
property ConnectString: string stored False;
PgDAC recognizes an ODBC-like syntax in provider string property values. Within the string, elements are delimited by using a semicolon. Each element consists of a keyword, an equal sign character, and the value passed on initialization. For example:
Server=London1;User ID=nancyd
The following connection parameters can be used to customize connection:
Parameter Name | Description |
LoginPrompt | Specifies whether a login dialog appears immediately before opening a new connection. |
Pooling | Enables or disables using connection pool. |
ConnectionLifeTime | Used to specify the maximum time during which an opened connection can be used by connection pool. |
MaxPoolSize | Used to specify the maximum number of connections that can be opened in connection pool. |
MinPoolSize | Used to specify the minimum number of connections that can be opened in connection pool. |
Validate Connection | Used for a connection to be validated when it is returned from the pool. |
Server | Serves to supply the server name for login. |
Username | Used to supply a user name for login. |
Password | Used to supply a user name for login. |
Database | Used to set the name of the database to associate with TPgConnection component. |
Charset | Used to set the character set that PgDAC uses to read and write character data. |
UseUnicode | Used to enable or disable Unicode support. |
Port | Used to specify the port number for the connection. |
ConnectionTimeout | Used to specify the amount of time before an attempt to make a connection is considered unsuccessful. |
ProtocolVersion | Used to set the version of protocol for communication with PostgreSQL server. |
Schema | Used to change the search path of the connection to the specified schema, or get the first value from the search path. |
IPVersion | Used to specify the version of the Internet Protocol. |
P:Devart.Pgdac.TPgConnectionSSLOptions.CACert | Holds the pathname to the certificate authority file. |
P:Devart.Pgdac.TPgConnectionSSLOptions.Cert | Holds the pathname to the certificate file. |
P:Devart.Pgdac.TPgConnectionSSLOptions.CipherList | Holds the list of allowed ciphers to use for SSL encryption. |
P:Devart.Pgdac.TPgConnectionSSLOptions.Key | Holds the pathname to the key file. |
Mode | Used to determine whether or with what priority an SSL connection will be negotiated with the server. |