TCompressBlobMode Enumeration

Specifies when the values should be compressed and the way they should be stored.




TCompressBlobMode = (cbNone, cbClient, cbServer, cbClientServer);


Value Meaning
cbClient Values are compressed and stored as compressed data at the client side. Before posting data to the server decompression is performed and data at the server side stored in the original form. Allows to reduce used client memory due to increase access time to field values. The time spent on the opening DataSet and executing Post increases.
cbClientServer Values are compressed and stored in compressed form. Allows to decrease the volume of used memory at client and server sides. Access time to the field values increases as for cbClient. The time spent on opening DataSet and executing Post decreases.Note: On using cbServer or cbClientServer data on the server is stored as compressed. Other applications can add records in uncompressed format but can't read and write already compressed data. If compressed BLOB is partially changed by another application (if signature was not changed), DAC will consider its value as NULL.Blob compression is not applied to Memo fields because of possible cutting.
cbNone Values not compressed. The default value.
cbServer Values are compressed before passing to the server and store at the server in compressed form. Allows to decrease database size on the server. Access time to the field values does not change. The time spent on opening DataSet and executing Post usually decreases.

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