Specifies the behaviour of TCustomMyDataSet object.
property Options: TMyDataSetOptions;
Set the properties of Options to specify the behaviour of a TCustomMyDataSet object.
Descriptions of all options are in the table below.
Option Name | Description |
AutoPrepare |
Used to execute automatic TCustomDADataSet.Prepare on a query execution. |
AutoRefresh |
Used to automatically refresh dataset every AutoRefreshInterval seconds. |
AutoRefreshInterval |
Used to define in what time interval in seconds the Refresh or RefreshQuick method of a DataSet is called. |
BinaryAsString |
Used to specify a method of representation of the BINARY and VARBINARY fields. |
CheckRowVersion |
Used to determine whether a dataset checks for rows modifications made by another user on automatic generation of SQL statement for update or delete data. |
CreateConnection |
Used to specify if an additional connection to a server should be established to execute an additional query in the FetchAll=False mode. |
DefaultValues |
Used to fill the DefaultExpression property of TField objects with appropriate value. |
EnableBoolean |
Used to specify the method of representation of the TINYINT(1) fields. |
FieldsAsString |
Used to store all non-BLOB fields as string (native MySQL format). |
FullRefresh |
Used to specify the fields to include in automatically generated SQL statement when calling the TCustomDADataSet.RefreshRecord method. Default value is false. |
NullForZeroDate |
Used for MySQL server to represent the value for for datetime fields with invalid values as Null or '0001-01-01' ('0100-01-01' for CLR). |
NumberRange |
Used to set the MaxValue and MinValue properties of TIntegerField and TFloatField to appropriate values. |
QueryRecCount |
Used for TCustomDADataSet to perform additional query to get record count for this SELECT so the RecordCount property reflects the actual number of records. |
QuoteNames |
Used for TCustomMyDataSet to quote all field names in autogenerated SQL statements. |
RemoveOnRefresh |
Used for dataset to remove a record locally if the RefreshRecord procedure can't find necessary record on the server. |
RequiredFields |
Used for TCustomDADataSet to set the Required property of TField objects for NOT NULL fields. |
ReturnParams |
Used to return the new value of the fields to dataset after insert or update. |
SaveBlobsAsHex |
Used to save BLOB data in hexadecimal format in a database after calling the TMyQuery.SaveToXML method. |
SetEmptyStrToNull |
Force replace of empty strings with NULL values in data. The default value is False. |
SetFieldsReadOnly |
Used to specify whether fields not belonging to the current updating table get read-only attribute. |
StrictUpdate |
Used for TCustomDADataSet to raise an exception when the number of updated or deleted records does not equal 1. |
TrimFixedChar |
Used to specify whether to discard all trailing spaces in string fields of the dataset. |
TrimVarChar |
Used to specify whether to discard all trailing spaces in the variable-length string fields of a dataset. |